INS Blog
Our latest thoughts and news
Do you ever have to negotiate contracts with organisations that have considerably more negotiating power than you do?
Put the politics and economics (the content) to one side for a moment and just consider the negotiation process.
Oh really? On the contrary we are always negotiating. We just don’t give ourselves credit for it – in fact do we actually realise that we are doing it?
So what’s the biggest message to come out of Brexit so far? The one certainty is the uncertainty. But the one vital call to action we should all be undertaking is… communication.
So the UK has been through three months of Remain or Leave campaigning. What does it mean for the UK if we Remain? What does it mean for the UK if we Leave? We have been very own needs focused for these three months.
Brexit, whether you love it or loath it, it offers opportunities for great re-negotiations.
Procurement negotiation strategies need to change over the next year if purchasers are to continue to add value to their organisation’s bottom line.